Friday, January 27, 2017

Still good

Today is Thursday. I've had a great week so far. I'm down 6 pounds since Sunday. I'm at 253 but that is in the early morning with no clothes on right after going to the bathroom. I have to be down to 249.2 by February 6th so I don't lose my 35 dollars I put into my Dietbet. So I need to be at 248 or so because I am terrified of there being some crazy fluctuation and I will lose just because the scale says 249.3 or something.

And I just ate 4 pieces of toast with butter plus a small bowl of cereal with a banana. I also ate pumpkin seeds and some candy. Ugh! Why?

 I am not giving up. I just have to eat very little for the rest of the day. I did work out for an hour and a half this morning so I think it might be okay.

Monday, January 23, 2017


I'm not going to apologize for being gone for um years. That is just me. I am very unorganized and undisciplined normally. So even though I want to do this I can't make it happen.

I have had some success with weight loss. I got up to 272 pounds in March of 2016. It was becoming difficult to do everyday things like tying my shoes and personal hygiene things. So I decided to do something about it and I was eating right and counting calories. I was counting my steps with an app on my phone so I was moving more.

I lost around 20 pounds and then I got a gym membership.I also got a Fitbit.  I was going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week. I was even getting up at 330 in the morning to go work out so I wouldn't have to take time away from my kids in the evening.

I got down to 230 pounds in August 2016 and then it all went downhill. I stopped being able to say no to food and I stopped wanting to work out.

So now here I am in January 2017 having gained 30 pounds back. I have been trying some. I am still going to the gym 1 or 2 days a week. Last week I had 2 days where I ate the right things. But I still gained weight.

Today I have started over at 259 pounds. I actually joined a Dietbet almost 2 weeks ago and have yet to get on track so that is motivating me too.

Now that I have found this blog again I want to post everyday with how I'm doing and feeling. I'm not promising anything of course. So far today I am feeling really good except I'm hungry. I seem to only be able to do this in extremes. Either I have full control and I don't eat enough all day or I am out of control and eat everything in sight. I have eaten fried mushrooms with butter and I am going to make some coffee to keep me going throughout the afternoon. I have Zumba tonight at the gym. They all expect me there now which is good because it keep me coming even when I just want to crawl in a hole an hibernate.

The true test will come tonight when I get home from Zumba and want to eat everything.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back on track!

It has been over a month and I am finally back on track. I gained 3 pounds then slowly lost it and then got stuck forever it seems. I have always said that I am going to do this no matter if it takes me 3 years instead of 1 1/2 like it should but I will never get to where I want to be if I keep getting stuck. I lowered my calories to 1200 which I didn't want to do but I want results. I had to get myself unstuck. I feel much more in control now. I like being in control. It's a good feeling.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So today is Saturday April 17th. I might make this blog about my weight loss. Since January 4th I have lost 26 pounds. I am so excited about my progress though I do wish I could make it go faster. I started at 250 pounds and I am down to 224 now. My size 24 jeans are getting really big on me but I must have gone right past a size 22 because all I have in my closet are size 20's. Last week I actually fit into one of my bigger pairs of 20's so that is great but it's kind of annoying because I have to go back in forth from really loose fitting 24's to slightly tight fitting 20's. I kind of got used to wearing lose pants and it hard to put on tighter fitting pants because it makes me feel like I am gaining and busting out of my pants. I can't wait til I can no longer wear my 24's and my 20's start getting loose.
I have been struggling a bit lately. For the first 3 months I had no problem passing by the junk food and unhealthy snacks but for some reason it has become harder now. I try to make a new start everyday but I usually am making a bad food choice more than once a day now. The last couple days have been better though so hopefully it is passing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

beginner blogger

I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know if I want to blog. We will see if I can keep this up. Really interesting huh?